We've been keeping super busy in this cute little pink shop the past few weeks! We've had some special visitors, a bunch of weddings, and fun events!
One special visitor we had is one of our very favorite little tater tots, and her name is Amelia!
The first time I met this little cutie, she had on a jacket that made her look like a panda, and since then, she's become one of my very favorite little girls! She came in with her mom Julie, and we had so much fun with cupcakes! She first ate her cupcake, then I gave her one to decorate, and instead of decorating it, she just ate all the candies to go on top! It was so funny!
We let her lose, and she played with anything she could get her tiny little hands on, my favorite was the rolling pin, of all things she rolled, she rolled out the glass front door!
We also dressed her up with party hats, and I'm pretty sure at that point she wanted to use the rolling pin to crush my camera!
We let her lose, and she played with anything she could get her tiny little hands on, my favorite was the rolling pin, of all things she rolled, she rolled out the glass front door!
We also dressed her up with party hats, and I'm pretty sure at that point she wanted to use the rolling pin to crush my camera!

We also did a wedding for one of our favorite cupcakers recently as well! Her wedding was themed with a black, white, and bright pink theme. She had mini cupcakes wrapped in the Bella Cupcake Couture wrappers, and we made her cake to match!
It was so beautiful! She even had a candy bar with all the candies in the same colors, which just added an extra pop to the whole dessert theme!

It was so beautiful! She even had a candy bar with all the candies in the same colors, which just added an extra pop to the whole dessert theme!
Last weekend we did a big event for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, their event for Seattle Shower of Stars.
St. Jude is one of the most amazing places, and we love to donate our time and cupcakes to anything we can for them! This event was an auction to raise money, and everything at the event was donated to an amazing cause.

St. Jude is one of the most amazing places, and we love to donate our time and cupcakes to anything we can for them! This event was an auction to raise money, and everything at the event was donated to an amazing cause.
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital is located in Memphis, Tennessee. Their focus there is to cure cancer, and other catastrophic diseases in children through research and treatment. About 5,700 active patients each year. The most amazing part about St. Jude's is that they do not charge the families or patients a single dollar. Everything from treatment to travel expenses are taken care of for the families. Even the housing, groceries, and everything down to the soda machines in the halls are taken care of by the hospital.
At the event, we listened to speakers who worked for St. Jude, and even got to listen to a mother of a patient, and the 12 year old patient herself, and everything I heard was so touching.
There were all sorts of goodies being auctioned off. We donated cupcake center pieces for each table, and also a basket of goodies to be auctioned off in the silent auction!
There was everything there from vacations, to signed sports jerseys, to The Humane Society gift certificates, to Lancome face creams being donated for auction!
One fun thing was they had bottles of wine in bags that you couldn't see... If you purchased one for a $20 donation you could get a bottle of wine valued anywhere from $20-$300!
Another fun thing was the Tree of Life, which you could donate a set amount to pay for specific things at St. Jude's. One was donating $75 to buy a wagon for a kid. Instead of being pushed around in a wheel chair, the kids can get a red wagon to be pulled around the hospital in! I'd say that's more fun huh? Wish I could have been pulled around in a red wagon when I broke my back!

There were all sorts of goodies being auctioned off. We donated cupcake center pieces for each table, and also a basket of goodies to be auctioned off in the silent auction!
There was everything there from vacations, to signed sports jerseys, to The Humane Society gift certificates, to Lancome face creams being donated for auction!
One fun thing was they had bottles of wine in bags that you couldn't see... If you purchased one for a $20 donation you could get a bottle of wine valued anywhere from $20-$300!
Another fun thing was the Tree of Life, which you could donate a set amount to pay for specific things at St. Jude's. One was donating $75 to buy a wagon for a kid. Instead of being pushed around in a wheel chair, the kids can get a red wagon to be pulled around the hospital in! I'd say that's more fun huh? Wish I could have been pulled around in a red wagon when I broke my back!
The event itself was amazing, and I learned so much about the hospital and facilities, and met some really amazing people. We do fund raising here in the store for St. Jude every Fall, and we would love for you all to come in and donate when the time comes. If you would like more information about the company click HERE for more info. We are so thankful to have been a part of this event this past weekend! We left with a few goodies, and full bellies from the delicious dinner provided by our friends at The Ravishing Radish.
Have I ever mentioned my love for their Yukon gold mashed potatoes? Every even we do with them I'm always crossing my fingers that mashed potatoes will show up on the menu! And lucky me, the mashed potatoes were served at the event! YUM!
Have I ever mentioned my love for their Yukon gold mashed potatoes? Every even we do with them I'm always crossing my fingers that mashed potatoes will show up on the menu! And lucky me, the mashed potatoes were served at the event! YUM!
Well I hope everyone is out enjoying the sunshine today! I'm hoping it sticks around for a while!