Yesterday was our 1,500 cupcake event with Microsoft, and it went so well! First it was a beautiful sunny day, 70 degrees and perfect! What a great day to have an outdoor event! These Microsoft kiddo's must have worked really hard on releasing their four new products, because this party was crazy!
The bake team did an amazing job and made all the cupcakes so quickly! I was impressed! Then we had the frosting team, and we went as fast as we could while still making them uber cute! We definitely had fun while doing this order! The store was full of cupcakes to the point where we had to block off half of the store front just to store the cupcakes!
Here is Lisa, Sarah, and me, frosting in the hallway!
Lisa's snazzy tattoo that I gave her with a pink sharpie!
We got in early to set up, and thank goodness, because we had a ton of cupcakes! On the way there I stopped through the coffee drive through to get my fix, and the girl had to do a double take when she looked in my car! "WOW! THAT'S A LOT OF CUPCAKES!" If only she knew that was the last of several trips between two SUV's! That wasn't even half of it!
We had a good set up team, it was Lisa, Sarah, and I, and we got as many cupcakes onto their tiers as possible!! It really was a cute set up! I'm just glad we were in the shade so the cupcakes & buttercream didn't melt! Ick! But, the sunny weather went perfectly with their Hawaiian themed party! And our cupcakes sure fit the bill with cuteness and flavors! We went all out with the theme, and it was so darn adorable!
They got Kahlua & Cream

I'll post more pictures up in the photo's section of the blog!
Up next we have the 'Save the Girls' Event on Sunday, the event to help support breast cancer! We also have an event on Monday with Girl Power Hour at the Hard Rock in Seattle! It should be a busy weekend for us! I've got a lot of fun ideas for cupcakes for this weekend so keep an eye out! I'll be putting up pictures soon!
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
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